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Home / Production / Structural units / "Secondary ferrous metals" department

Department of Secondary Ferrous Metals

22.11.2024 25.11.2024 416


On June 18, 1992, the economic management unit “Secondary Ferrous Metalswas established, which was engaged in the procurement and supply of scrap and waste ferrous metals.

The “Secondary Ferrous Metals management unit became part of the Plant in 1994. Since 2021, it has been functioning as the Department of Secondary Ferrous Metals. It includes 13 branches throughout the republic, including in Karakalpakstan, where 1217 employees work. The department’s enterprises accept and process scrap and waste ferrous metals from enterprises, organizations, and the population. On average, the Plant receives 700 thousand tons of scrap and waste ferrous metals annually, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the Plant. In recent years, in accordance with the Modernization Program, enterprises of “Vtormet” are being updated and equipped with modern equipment and machinery to improve the material and technical base. To ensure data exchange speed, appropriate control, and timely problem-solving during production, the branches are integrated into the 1C program.



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